Многочисленные организации экспериментировали с форматами techno и house музыки, и с технологией сэмплирования (настоящий главный герой танцивальной музыки этого поколения). Для обсуждения работ этих музыкантов в августе 1993 в Интернете основан список рассылки Интеллектуальной Танцевальной Музыки (IDM), так и закрепилось имя.
В ноябре 1991, фраза
"интеллектуальное techno" появилась в компьютерной сети Usenet в ссылке на
EP The Snow от Coil Другой случай появления фразы на Usenet в апреле 1993 в ссылке на альбом
The Black Dog - Bytes.Более широкое общественное использование таких определений в Интернете не появлялось до августа 1993, когда Алан Парри придумал определение "интеллектуальная танцевальная музыка" и эти инициалы были как имя и привелегия IDM:
"IDM (Интеллектуальная Танцевальная Музыка) - форум для обсуждения, того что было названо 'интеллектуальной' музыкой – то есть, музыка, которая двигает разум, а не только тело. Нет никакого специфического определения интеллектуальности в музыке, однако, музыканты, которых я вижу как соответствующие - это FSOL, Orb, Orbital, Richard James (aka Aphex Twin), Black Dog, B12, и другие из Warp's Artificial Intelligence серий."Список рассылки все еще активен и поддерживается
"Рассылка IDM первоначально была создана в августе 1993 для обсуждения музыки имеющей отношение к Aphex Twin и Warp's 'Artificial Intelligence'.Начиная с того времени, рассылка и охват обсуждаемой музыки значительно выросли. Нет никакого граничного определения "Интеллектуальной Танцевальной Музыки", официальная позиция такая, что все мнения должны уважаться. Когда вы объявляете, что "Rozalla - это интеллектуальная танцевальная музыка", вы должны быть готовы и способны поддерживать это - не только, "потому что это очевидно."Многожество участников рассылки использывали фразу
"IDM - это список рассылки, а не жанр!" когда акроним обсуждался.
!Ниже приводятся точные копии писем из рассылки и комментарии к ним: Существенным образом, все вещи как бы связаны с "интеллектуальным техно": Greg Earle - Sun JPL on-site Software Support Newsgroups:
earle@poseur.JPL.NASA.GOV (Greg Earle - Sun JPL on-site Software Support)Date:
6 Nov 91 07:46:25 GMTLocal:
Wed, Nov 6 1991 10:46 am Subject:
Re: Coil _The Snow_ EPIn article <91307.145318shill@harpervm.bitnet> SHILL@HARPERVM.BITNET (Steve W Hill) writes:
>Wax Trax had the new Coil CD _The Snow EP_ last night, so it should hit
>your record stores within the next few weeks. I couldn't afford to buy
>it, so no review here.
Well, the Torso release has been around for a while, no need to wait for
Wax Trax! to put it out.
It's got 6 tracks:
1. Driftmix (2:35)
2. Answers Come In Dreams I (5:47)
3. Out In the Cold (7:43)
4. As Pure As? (6:33)
5. Answers Come In Dreams II (5:57)
6. The Snow (6:48)
1 & 3 Remixed by Peter Christopherson
2 & 5 Remixed by Jack Dangers
4 Remixed by John Balance and Drew McDowall
6 Original version from the CD "Love's Secret Domain"
"Answers Come In Dreams I" is Yet Another Collossal Jack Dangers remix.
I'd go to every rave they have in L.A. if I could hear anything remotely
as good as this track. "Answers Come In Dreams II" is a variant on ... I
and almost as good. "Driftmix" and "Out In The Cold" are variants on the
album track; the first with a Nocturnal Emissions shuffling Raga backbeat.
Essentially, the whole thing is sorta "Intelligent Techno" oriented. It's
clearly dance-oriented but with interesting sound collages instead of the
mindless monotony that passes as a lot of Techno these days ...
It cost me $13.99 US which is a bit stiff for a 6-track EP, but it's almost
35 1/2 minutes long which is about as long as some albums these days ...
- Greg Earle | "It's going to be Party Time when I
Sun Microsystems, Los Angeles | shit out the Balloons"
JPL on-site Software Support |
earle@poseur.JPL.NASA.GOV | - From a sheet of stamps I saw
"Ай, обманщики находятся снова. Если бы ребята в Knowledge club в Лондоне действительно знали, что такое - интеллектуальное техно, они играли бы материал подобно этому вместо средней частоты доминировало хардкоровое дерьмо, которое они обычно играют на своих нео-нацистских сборищах. Но это другая история и я не буду надоедать вам этим.. Так или иначе, Black Dog имеют слух для других видов музыки, не только техно и ихние пластинки подтверждают это.. Я не буду портить ваше веселье или смущать себя (больше!) пытаясь определить этот материал. Давайте просто скажем, что это интеллектуально, достаточно, чтобы оказаться в вашем cd-плеере. Но само собой. Идите покупать. 9/10.":
Samu Mielonen Newsgroups:
f1sami@uta.fi (Samu Mielonen)Date:
13 Apr 93 16:42:44 GMTLocal:
Tues, Apr 13 1993 7:42 pm Subject:
miniREVIEWS galore (No hardcore please, we're Finnish).Ok. Now listen good and listen carefully, 'cos I'm only gonna say this once :)
Bandito: San Andreas / Loco (3 Beat, 3BTT17) 12"
Latin influenced house, with a trancy version of "Loco" to speed things up.
This is quite good and also appreciated by local DJs. 8/10.
Shindig: Spunky Marimba (Hypa Music, Prod 5) 12"
Trancy progressive house with flutes, acid blurps and kicking bass.
There's also a harder more simple pure trance mix. 7/10. Could use
some innovation here.
The Pressure: Amor (Hubba Hubba, Hub 006) 12"
Ibiza style house with a general happy atmosphere. Has very justin-robertsque
horns and a bassline. 8/10. Happy, happy, joy, joy, joy!
Finitribe: Monster in the House (Momentum/Finiflex, FF001) 12"
Relaxed (117 bpm) house with some piano in it. Mediterranean chill out style.
9/10. This is too good... (and the 100 bpm version is awesome too!)
Cleveland City: Testament 1/2/3 (?) 12"
Mad house (not fierce!) with guitar samples and acid sound goind wild
in the background. This is compelling. 8/10. May not work on the dancefloor.
Otaku: Percussion Overdose (Soma, Soma 006) 12"
Hardish progressive house that keeps going like a locomotive. The other
side is the compulsory acid venture. 9/10. Not original, but works well.
Van Basten: Lizard King (Brute, Brute 6) 12"
Trance attack that builds and builds and builds. This is a mad tune and
may appeal to some hardtrance fans too (on +8, I guess). 9/10.
Crunch: Devo (6'6", 6ft 003)
Ibiza style crossover that's like toned down Ramirez. Acidy, moody and
not too good I'm afraid. 6/10. "Gimme the usual."
Shi-Take: (In the Age of) Perfect Virtue (Zoom) 12"
Tribal!! Go mad and go plenty!! Pan flutes, subtle (at right points) and
kicking. This is lurvvly and gets me going instantly. 9/10. "Hugga,hugga!"
Eagles Prey: Feeling Warm (Guerilla, GRRR 47) 12"
What a disappointment. Progressive house that's come a trademark to Guerilla.
Nothing that new, although the 'Reverse the Silence' works quite well.
Some spanish guitar and also a trance version with a huge kickdrum sound.
7/10. And that would be six without 'Reverse the Silence'.
Mukkaa: Buruchacca (23rd Precinct/Limbo, Limbo 008) 12"
Another disappointment. Too poppy and safe for my taste - a track with
the usual prog-house elements (women wailing in the background, acid
influences and all). 5/10. What am I saying... I like pop! :)
Nature Boy: Necessary Ruffness (Tomato, Tomato 12) 12"
Mad dubweizer disco with an excellent B-side, "Real". B-side delicious and
kicking, while the A-side is harder and more standard as some of the
tracks on "Two clouds above nine" compilation. 9/10. B-side kicks.
Waxworth Industries: Take The Book (Sabres of Paradise, PT 005) 12"
This was recommended first to you by Squigg so it can't be bad, can it?
Well it certainly is not (bad). This is ambient style slow trance that
most of the people will just not like. A pity, 'cos it's excellent. 10/10.
Ritmo De Vida: Taboo (23rd Precinct/Limbo, Limbo 010T) 12"
Dark, acidy trance track that's quite good, but nothing innovative. You
can hear pieces of Sono Lakota's 'Ice & Acid' if you listen really
carefully... 7/10. Standard, but will probably make the floor jumping.
Harri: Skelph (23rd Precinct/Limbo, Limbo 009) 12"
Goddamn progressive house! Acid, sliced vocals, sexy female voices, horns
and all the other usual progressive cliches are here. It's slammin though :)
Lemon Interupt: Dirty / Minneapolis Airwaves (Junio Boy's Own, JBO 7-12) 12"
Melodic stuff that one could even call progressive. Dirty is a *beautiful*
track, but "Minneapolis..." has a rotten rhythm track. 9/10. And that's
one minus for ruining "Minneapolis..." Must be the friggin rock skeletons
that disturbed the boys during the final mix... (re: Underworld. Ask lazlo!)
Blake Baxter: Sexual Deviant (Logic, LUK 013) 12"
BB goes POP! Vocals and subtle, erotic euphemisms like "Let me in" :)
No wonder it's on logic. A HARD version is also available on this 12". 5/10.
Jesus Jones: The Right Decision (Food, 12 PERVP 2) 12"
JJ go ACID! It's pop alright, but with a sick twist as there's a
reconstrucition by the Moody Boys. The other acid version has quite a
kicking rhythm track. 7/10. It even comes with a giant size poster...
Roach Motel: Movin' On (Junior Boy's Own, JBO 11-12) 12"
Garage (horrors!). Also a horny trance version of "The Right Time".
A bit too Fire Islandish for my taste. 6/10. "Peace, love, come together..."
Sub Sub: Ain't No Love (Rob's Records) 12"
What the rave is this doing here?! Goddamn happy pop song with a retro 70's
feel and a modern twist. I like it though :) 8/10. Cheesy.
Ultraviolet Catastrophe: Trip Harder - remixes (Hardkiss) 12"
I don't know what to say (with Jon Drukman watching and all :)... these
guys could really be on(to) something serious... makes some of the stuff
above sound regressive. 8/10. Can this be a grower?
Beloved: Celebrate your Life (Eastwest, YZ738T) 12"
Frigging rap(p)ers.... baaahhh! Consolidate rip "Sweet Harmony" into shreds
and piece together a mutant son of Frankenstein. Hardly a beauty. The
"C'est la vie" mix of "Celebrate Your Life" almost pulls it, but the
cool cat's mix smells of dead fish. "You've got me thinking" is
almost unharmed. 5/10. Stick to the original or do your own remixes...
System 7: 777 (Big Life, BFLLP1) DOUBLE ALBUM or (single) CD
A lot better than their debut, although with similar elements. The pop
production and vocals are gone and on the whole this is much more coherent
stuff. May disappoint some of the System 7's pop fans, but will probably
gain S7 new fans as well. Some of the tracks are ambient ("Faydeaudeau") and
some of them are harder dance stuff ("7:7 Expansion", Desir"). 8/10.
V/A: Tribute - DJ Collection Vol II (Hi-Bias, HB-020) DOUBLE ALBUM
This is quality house. If you don't have this (or the original 12" releases)
you're not worth it as a house DJ. 10/10.
V/A: Excursions in Ambience (Caroline, CAROL 1733-2) CD
Solid US compilation that expands one's repertoire beyond the verses of
Patterson & Trash. 9/10. You'd be fool not to buy.
V/A: Trancemasters Vol. 1 (Eurovision, 302.4001.2 42) CD
Station Rose: Public Brain Session 0:35
Dance 2 Trance: Where is Dag? 6:10
TZ4: E S P 4:11
Resistance D: Cosmic Love 7:22
Hypnotist: Pioneers of the Warped Groove (remix) 6:55
S.M.I.L.E.: Ritual Dance (evolution remix) 5:20
Irresistible Force: Space is the Place (remix) 7:55
Frank De Wulf: Afrika's Rhyme 4:31
Space Cube: Dolphins 6:00
Phobia: Phobia (Holy Atom) 7:24
Komakino: Frogs in Space (Trance Mix) 6:13
Evolution: Equilibrium 5:40
Speedy J.: De-Orbit 6:11
TOTAL: 76:27
"Ambient Dance II Trance Chill Out" it says here and I must agree. This comp.
has ambient, chill out and trance tracks that fit together quite well and
make a pleasant change from the usual Orb rantings. There are some quite
excellent tracks like "Coscmic Love" and even some duds (the Hypnotist track,
naturally), but nevertheless this is a good comp. 8/10. Good for the
home, car and soul. Raves I know nothing about... .)
Black Dog: Bytes (WARP, WARP CD 8) CD or DOUBLE ALBUM (ltd. ed. also available)
Oh, the tricksters are at it again. If the guys at Knowledge club in London
really knew what intelligent techno is, they'd play stuff like this instead
of the the mid frequency dominated hardcore shit they usually play at their
neo-nazi hangout. But that's another story and I won't bother you
with that... Anyway, BD have ear for other kinds of music besides just techno
and their tunes reflect this. I won't spoil your fun or embarrass myself
(more!) by trying to define this stuff. Let's just say that it's intelligent
enough to end up in your cd player. But not by itself. Go buy. 9/10.
Barbarella: The Art of Dance (Eye Q/Harthouse/WEA, 4509-90679-2) CD
"Sell out!" I hear you scream! "Sven goes to Warner robbers!" No, it's
not like that. It's not like that at all. It's like this is a concept
album - nine tracks of pure barbarellaism (no, I won't bother to list them).
And as WB/Time Warner own the rights to the godly Jane Fonda film,
"Barbarella", that Sven old boy heavily samples, we end up with a joint
release on WEA. That's the theory anyway. On the tracks itself Vath rips
off Jarre & Rob Hubbard (of C-64 fame) and even does some silly hardcore
numbers. But whatever he does he fails. Except, of course, on "The Secret
chamber of Dreams" - a 14 minute 20 second bliss track that all of you
suckers ought to have. It's cheesy, but it's blissful nevertheless. And
don't bother with the Rising High (falling fast!) release with CP remixes.
They're jus that. A disappointment gigantico, after all S.V. was
responsible for one of the finest ambient moments in '92 with "Accident in
Paradise". Anyone willing to sell their copy? 5/10 for the album. 10/10
for "The Secret Chamber of Dreams".
And if anybody feels like flaming, I've got my force field activated so
berserk mode on at will... And remember that asbesto suits give you cancer...
from our minds to yours,
f1sami@kielo.uta.fi ambient ~ slow ~ mello ~ trance ~ house ~ techno ~ mo
"I come in peace."
"Неужели намерение интеллектуальной танцевальной музыки - предоставить допущенным собой интеллектуалам что-нибудь для обсуждения? Или цель - это поднять уровни оценок "proles on parade" (Buggles, 1980)? Неужели интеллектуальная танцевальная музыка подобно животному кнуту: Образование которое удовлетворяет основному - еде,сексу и быстрой езде одновременно?Barry Sanders From:
bsanders ()Date:
Aug 1, 1993Subject:
Can Dumb People Enjoy IDM, Too?(bSANDERS threads the squiggling earthworm onto the brass hook at the end of
his nylon line)
Is the porpoise of intelligent dance music to give self-presumed intellectuals
something to discuss? Or is the purpose to elevate the appreciation levels of
the "proles on parade" (Buggles, 1980)
Is intelligent dance music like animal crackers: Education that fulfills a
basic food/sex/warmth drive simultaneously? Or is it like staring at a Paul
Klee canvas, and trying to figure out what to marvel at. I think it's like
the Paul Klee canvas, myself. Especially F.U.S.E. (which I love, though I'm
not sure exactly why at times.)
[Note: Paul Klee, to my knowledge, became famous for his extremely minimalistic
abstract paintings that drew attention to the process of painting. Many of his
canvasses are simply large areas of color, completely DEVOid of detail.]
I wish I'd had an I.D.M. group twelve years ago in college. We didn't even have
I look forward to any responses.
Barry Sanders [EMAIL REMOVED]